I do not consider myself particularly tech savvy. I can spend hours and hours looking up different things and ways to do things on the web and then promptly forget them as soon as I start something else. However, I do have a blog or two or three:) Does this make me ahead of the game? Don't know. I believe that in the near future, blogs will be as old hat as emails and we will be on to something new. Meanwhile, there are so many things I can use my blogs for as a Realtor.
One, I can upload photographs and listing information that can be read instantly worldwide! That alone is a major tool for a Realtor!
Two, I can write whatever I feel like writing any time I feel like writing.
Three, I can have as many blogs as I want. One for every little interest. I could even have one for every listing if I wanted to.
Four, I can publish an invitation to all my friends via one of my blogs and they can all respond instantly. Blogs are almost better than email, except they are not private.
I can also share photos, link to other blogs or websites or quotes, the list is endless. I seriously do not know how I existed before blogdom!
Please take a moment to puruse my listings on this blog and email me if you have any interest.
Also, if you are looking to buy in Rhode Island, drop me a line or comment here, if you like.